Italfire verkoop beide moderne en tradisionele styl kaggels en stowe. Daar is opsies van ingeboude, vrystaande, gietyster en staal.
Italfire het a reeks vrystaande, hoek-, 3-kant endubbelzijdige kaggels. Boonop het ons hoek-, 3-kant en dubbelzijdige in ons ingeboude kaggelreeks.
Ons verkoop ook ingeboude houtkorrel kaggels en vrystaande houtkorrel kaggels.. ‘n Houtkorrel kaggel verskaf tegnologie van maksimum doeltreffendheid,wat minimale impak op die omgewing en op onderhoud/gebruikskoste self het, sowel as die welstand en veiligheid van diegene wat dit gebruik.
We have the most advanced pellet fireplace technology and designs available. Designed and made in Italy.
Latest technology in balanced flue and flue less gas fireplaces. Built in, freestanding, wall mounted and Gas patio heaters
Closed combustion
Wood burning closed combustion fireplaces offers more than twice the heat output in comparison to an open fireplace. Additionally a Closed combustion Fireplace is highly efficient and very economical. They use approximately a third of the wood when compared to an open fire. You will use less wood therefore you save money. Additionally they transfer more heat back into the room rather than losing the heat through the flue outlet. In conclusion, a close combustion fireplace is a far superior purchase.